Undercut Mohawk – The Right Choice For You?

Home » Undercut Mohawk – The Right Choice For You?

The Undercut Mohawk Haircut is for men and it has become one of the most popular styles among male haircutters. For those who may not be familiar with this style, it is simply a variation on the classic buzz cut. Instead of cutting the hair in a straight line as with a buzz, this cut goes in a more angled, edgy style that is very noticeable around the sides and back of the head. This style also adds a bit of side burn to the top of your head that can look quite appealing to many women and men alike.

Undercut Mohawk Hair Cut

This type of cut can go from short to long and leave you looking more carefree than ever. There are some things that you will want to keep in mind when getting this style cut though. Because of the edginess that comes from this mohawk style, it is advised that you try and let your hair grow naturally before getting this cut. Trying to grow your hair for this style will make it appear choppy and unkempt because it will take longer for the cut to dry out properly. While this may mean waiting a few days for your strands to grow, it is worth it because you will end up looking more polished and ready to take on any situation.

It is important to remember that if you are going to get the Undercut Mohawk Haircut, you will need a helmet to wear while you get the cut. Without a helmet, you will not only risk hurting yourself but also taking a chance of accidentally cutting off the flow of blood to your scalp, which would result in your head bleeding and possibly killing you right then and there. Make sure to check with your local courthouse to see what codes of practice they have regarding using a mohawk in public. Most places have strict rules on this type of hairstyle, so if you decide to put it on in public it is important to ensure that you know what the code is before getting your hair cut. With a helmet on though, you are at least protected from a lot of potential problems.


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