Low Skin Fade Hair Treatment by Farouk Shaomi, D.O.M.

Home » Low Skin Fade Hair Treatment by Farouk Shaomi, D.O.M.

The Low Skin Fade Hair System by Farouk Shaomi is a hair loss treatment that has produced dramatic results for many of its patients. It helps patients to slow down or even stop the natural loss of hair, which can lead to baldness if left unchecked. Farouk Shaomi, a Ph.D. who practices as a dermatologist in Orange County, believes that this loss of hair is due to the lack of an enzyme in hair follicles which allows the hair to grow and stay healthy. There are various factors that contribute to the lack of this important enzyme in the hair follicles, such as overuse of harsh chemicals like perms, color and styling agents, and constant exposure to sun. In the case of low skin fade, Farouk believes that this is due to a low production of this enzyme, which is found in large quantities in Asian patients. These patients often fail to achieve their desired hair length because they lack sufficient supply of this vital enzyme.

Low Skin Fade Hair Ciut

Farouk’s treatment is a patented herbal mixture that consists of a number of herbal plants. These plants promote growth and health of hair follicles and help hair to remain healthy and strong. The formula also promotes the development of skin tissue in the dermal layer, resulting in thicker, fuller hair. The treatment works by inhibiting the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme from converting testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is responsible for causing thinning of hair and scalp irritation. With regular use, Farouk believes that hair will increase in density and thickness while the skin itself will become firmer.

The Low Skin Fade Hair System by Farouk Shaomi, D.O.M. is a clinically proven treatment that not only slow hair loss but also stimulates hair regrowth in men and women suffering from male or female pattern baldness. This product can be used by men or women suffering from hair loss due to genetics, disease or hormonal imbalances. Before using the treatment, you should consult with your doctor.


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