Disconnected Undercut Hair Cuts

Home » Disconnected Undercut Hair Cuts

Undercut haircut styles are getting more popular among men who don’t want their headsband to be in a constant conflict with their haircuts. It’s also very important for a guy with this haircut to be comfortable with it and look good with it. I’m guessing that you know how it feels when your favorite pair of jeans got ripped, right? Well, this is what happens with an unconnected haircut. The more time the cut is taken off the head, the more unkempt it will become.

Disconnected Undercut Hair Cuts

When cutting an unconnected haircut, it’s very important to start at the bottom and work your way up. This is because the bottom of your head is usually the tightest part of your head, so make sure that you cut it properly and square to the side. Start by snipping off a couple of inches above the ears on the side you want to keep your cut off. If you’re cutting the hair on the side away from your face, then cut it on the side away from your eyes too.

Now it’s time to work your way up. Once you’ve gotten the first few inches to the side off of your head, then you can take out a quarter inch at a time and snip the rest of the hair. If you want to keep your hair cut off for the rest of the day, you can make sure that you get the remaining hair ends cleanly cut before you put the band back on. Just make sure that you are using a sharp razor and start off with the right cut.


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