Choosing From The Numerous Available Brush Back Beard Hair Styles

Home » Choosing From The Numerous Available Brush Back Beard Hair Styles

There are so many different kinds of brush backs, or in other words, buns for your beard. You have the old standard “V” shape, where you take one section of the beard and place it over the part you want to grow, leaving the remaining portion of your face free. There is also the “S” shape, which is almost identical but allows you to grow a section of your beard close to your jawline. Then there is the square shape that allows you to take two or three small sections of your face and keep them together, like a bun, except with no top bar. Most people who try this kind of style, or any of the others, soon find out how much easier it is to do only certain parts of their facial hair.

Brush Back Beard Hair Styles

There are some men, especially women, who simply do not care for this type of styling. Some men with beards actually use a razor to shave their facial hair, but they often regret it when their jaw starts growing back! The best way to get around this problem is to take several short hairspray applications and keep them on the back of your head, which should be covering your face. It is best to leave these applications on for a full day before you wash and comb your beard out, if your schedule permits. You can also do some experimenting with the shape, using a comb or a razor blade to experiment with different looks. You will probably be quite impressed at what you find!

When it comes to choosing between the various brush back hair styles, you will need to consider what type of hair you have, as well as your facial structure. If you have very thin hair, you may want to go for a more natural look, using your fingers to create fringes or waves. If you have thicker hair, you will probably do better with a more defined look, using a comb or even the sharpest razor. Experimentation is definitely the key to deciding on the perfect brush style for your mane.


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